31 October, 2009

Spot their priceless smile in 2007

While I should be studying, I went and sort my pictures folder instead... Sigh...

But spot their smiles...

It's so heartwarming and all the priceless smiles on their faces...

~ ~ ~

To second brother:

Life's hard,

And at times we don't even know what we are striving for.

It's never easy to live alone,

But your perseverance has earn respect.

I'm glad you are my brother,

I'm glad i'm in this family.

There were unhappy times,

But when happy times knock on our family's door,

It proves everything worth it.

And how is this blog post complete without my face...
Since my face has to appear...
So includes my big brother's...
Can you feel it...??? =D

27 October, 2009



What a PIMP (small white face) ...!!!

And i definitely look down on you

26 October, 2009

Possessive me

I was initially in a good mood
After the talking i had with my dad
My 1st talking with him after being honest
I thought the long lecture would begin
But instead he was sounding as loving as he could be
Perhaps just so not to make me feel pressured
~ ~ ~
But the good mood went off
Maybe because things didn't go my way *possessive me coming back*
Exams on thursday
Monday's coming to an end
But i haven't start on past years
I feel so screwed and i'm feeling really scared
But i'm totally not in the study mood
What can i do
I can't give up...!!!
But i'm hanging a big sad face...
*I know the picture is contradicting*

* only 1 person will understand the picture, thank you, just my bad mood couldn't express my thanks in a correct manner, i'm sorry.

22 October, 2009

I can't believe i did it...!!!

If i ever tell this to my dad, mom, brothers... They will never believe me... NEVER...!!!
They will probably say there must be someone else around to help me... Which obvoiously the answer is NO...!!!

Hahaha... But i did it... I proudly assemble a fan by myself...!!!

Even i myself finds it hard to believe but i actually achieved it... Wow...!!!

K-Mart is only selling it for $14, not such a bad deal...
But aren't you all proud that Wai Chien assembled the fan by herself...???
* excuse the messiness of the room please

18 October, 2009

It's colourful don't u agree

No one can go back and make a brand new start,
But anyone can start now...
And make a brand new ending.

~ ~ ~
Vanilla - Oakleigh

It was a nice girls' talk session
Thanks Sue Anne, Suh Ming and Samantha for the company
Notice how all three of your names start with "S"

15 October, 2009

Battle with trade law

Assignments all done for this semester
Marking the end of the semester coming as well
Organizational labs officially finished also
Don't ask why was i so dumb to choose a 8am lab
But proudly i only missed 1 lab which i did intentionally
Coz i didn't want to wake up
~ ~ ~
Semester finishing but welcoming exams
Trade law falling on the first day of exam itself
For that 3 hours of exam
Battle with it begins now
~ ~ ~
Good luck to Sue, Kim Han and Michie who's taking this unit as well
We'll paint this trade law exam page with flying colours =D

13 October, 2009


Everything is everywhere
What went wrong
Is it me or is it them

05 October, 2009


There is no home like the one you've got
Cause that home belongs to you
*smiles to all*

03 October, 2009















~ ~ ~

今年, 朋友就像家人, 大家彼此一起度过了中秋节.

就一个小小的聚会, 大家吃月饼, 玩游戏, 看圆圆的月亮发出月光, 一起欢笑.

回想过去, 我的心不痛了.



~ ~ ~

祝爸爸, 妈妈, 大哥, 二哥, 丽容姨, 慈芯, 美容姨, Bryant 和明年需要买双倍冰皮月饼给我的妳:

中秋节快乐 !

01 October, 2009